Whether you're a school administrator eager to assess and improve school culture, a community or parent group leader in need of strategic planning support, or a teacher who is eager to begin designing your own compassionate classroom, we are happy to help. Consultations typically happen over the course of several hours or days and result in an action plan.
Professional Learning
We're here when you're ready to begin designing compassionate classrooms. Together, we will create a vision, align grade level outcomes, and help individuals, teams, or everyone in your system become a part of the shift. Contact us to develop a customized plan that meets your unique needs.
We're passionate storytellers who love speaking with teachers, parents, building and organizational leaders, and students about their potential to make their world a more compassionate place. With brutal honesty, great humility, and a careful sprinkling of humor, we strive to leave every member of our audiences feeling seen, inspired, and ready to transform the systems they're a part of.
Curriculum Design
We've been designing K-12 curriculum beside teachers, school leaders, and community organizers for over two decades. Work with us to discover how you might adapt your current curricula or design a new one that deepens learners' understanding of compassion and empowers them to practice it.