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Book Club: An Introduction to Hack 2--Seek Diverse Perspectives

Welcome back, all! This week, our book club examines Hack 2: Seeking Diverse Perspectives, from Hacking School Culture: Designing Compassionate Classrooms.

This week, I have a story to share about a former student, her mom, and my raging blind spots and biases--which nearly silenced her as a writer. Drafting this portion of the book was my way of righting a thousand wrongs that I committed in my own classroom--mistakes I would still be making if I hadn't learned about the design thinking process, the importance of practicing empathy, and the real work of seeking diverse perspectives.

And there is no way to do any of this perfectly, of course. I'm still a hot mess so much of the time (as you will notice in the video below), but now, I'm a bit more aware of when I need to hear other peoples' stories and let their perspectives settle in before I make decisions regarding how to design curriculum, which instructional practices to use, or how to assess learning.

I'm getting better at seeking diverse perspectives with the help of some very specific strategies and tools. Other teachers and administrators inspire me as well, including those that are featured in this second hack. I'll tell you more about them on Wednesday.

For now, listen to my story, and feel free to share your own, if you wish. Leave a comment here, join us on Facebook, or send a Tweet in my direction (or Ellen's). We'd love to hear from you. Then, be sure to return on Wednesday. I have a sweet set of reflective questions for you. Consider them individually, or print and share them with a group.

And remember to subscribe to our site! Those who do will receive a Shout Out each Sunday that includes brand new tools and protocols that were not in the book and have not been shared elsewhere. Our freebie file for subscribers is already overflowing. You can add yourself to our list right here.

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