Reflecting on Hack 5: Extinguishing Shame and Reframing Vulnerability
Welcome back to the Hacking School Culture Book Club! If you're new to the club, here's what you need to know: Each Monday, Angela or I...
Book Club--An Introduction to Hack 5: Extinguish Shame
“Ellen is not working up to potential.” These were the seven words that were written in the teacher’s comment section on my second grade...
Reflecting on Hack 4: Distinguishing Blame from Response Ability
Welcome back to the Hacking School Culture Book Club! If you're new to the club, here's what you need to know: Each Monday, Ellen or I...
Book Club--An Introduction to Hack 4: Distinguish Blame from Response Ability
It's a frigid winter morning. You wake before dawn, stumble down your stairs, and bump up the dial on your furnace. You put the kettle on...
Book Club: Reflecting on Hack 3 -- Craft Your Classroom Culture
Crafting your classroom culture begins with empathy, and follows a continuous process of defining, aligning, and refining your practices.
Book Club: An Introduction to Hack 3: Craft Your Classroom Culture
"When you're finished, please continue." That's what my teacher Tal Ben-Shahar customarily says when he's coaching his students through a...
Book Club: Reflecting on Hack 2--Seeking Diverse Perspectives
Earlier this month, I welcomed all of you to the book club for Hacking School Culture: Designing Compassionate Classrooms. Ellen and I...
Book Club: An Introduction to Hack 2--Seek Diverse Perspectives
Welcome back, all! This week, our book club examines Hack 2: Seeking Diverse Perspectives, from Hacking School Culture: Designing...
Book Club: Reflecting on Hack 1: Grow Your Own
How do we grow our self-compassion? Just like any change we wish to make in our lives, real change must be cultivated over time. Small...
Book Club: An Introduction to Hack 1: Developing Self-Compassion
When Angela and I began discussing compassionate classrooms, we immediately thought of how many of us have a tendency to suffer from...